Tangel Studio is hiring
Tangel Studio is hiring Tangel Studio 招新了 The studio recruits technical personnel, as follows: Senior language writers(1-3) 1. Basic programming foundation (Java, C++, HTML, etc.) 2. Can write some simple small programs 3. Can talk a little Chinese Scratch technicians (1-2) 1. Know basic Scratch development and help members develop programs such as Tangel OS 2. Be able to modify bugs and have certain experience. 3. Can talk a little Chinese Add QQ friend 3627525769 to review, and you can join the studio after completion! 本工作室招收技术人员,具体如下: 高级语言编写员(1-3名) 1.有基本的编程基础(Java、C++、HTML等) 2.能编写一些简易的小程序 Scratch技术员(1-2名) 1.会基本的Scratch开发,能帮助成员开发Tangel OS等程序 2.能够修改Bug,有一定的经验 加QQ好友3627525769进行审核,完成后即可加入工作室! 官网Official website https://tangelscratchstudio.online 官网·邮件工单Official website·Support ticket https://tangelscratchstudio.online/email 资源站Resource Station https://pan.xingkongserver.top/ 爱发电Afdian https://afdian.net/@TangelStudio